Promotion Testing Percentages

Testing Percentages:

Hand Techniques:  20

Kicking Techniques: 20

Sparring: 25

Poomsae (knowledge of patterns and movements): 25

Breaking (focus and accuracy): 10

*Students receive 40 points (10 points per main category: hand, kicking, sparring and poomsae) for earning all 6 stripes and making it to testing meaning that the student knows and performs the pattern and knows all required techniques for their rank. With a base score of 10 for each major category, if a student scores 11-16 it means that the student is below requirement (lacking energy, focus and attention to detail); 17-19 – Meets rank requirements; 20-25 – Exceeds rank requirements. To meet or exceed requirements, a student must demonstrate Ki. Ki is the intention and focus behind every technique, the loud yell when required, and overall intensity demonstrated on the test. 

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