Program Placement & Transitions

Program Placement & Transitions

PROGRAM PLACEMENT: When a new student enters the school they are placed into the following programs based on their age.

TIGERS: 4 years old and up

DRAGONS: 6 years old before Sept 1st of the current school year

Youth BASIC: 7 years old before Sept 1st of the current school year

TEEN: 12 years old before Sept 1st of the current school year

TRANSITIONING:  Students transition from one program to the next at the beginning of a new school year if they cross one of the age cut-offs.

EARLY TRANSITIONS: Some students will transition up to the next program early due to experience, ability, and maturity.  The decision to transition early is collaborative between the parents and the instructors.

From TIGERS to DRAGONS:  Under consideration at 5 years old and 6 months of experience. Typically 5.5 years old and 1 year or more of experience.

From DRAGONS to YOUTH:  Under consideration at 6 years old and 6 months of experience. Typically 6.5 years old and 1 year or more of experience.

From YOUTH to TEENS:  Under consideration at 11 years old and 6 months of experience. Typically 11.5 years old and 1 year or more of experience.

PARENTS: Please feel free to start the conversation with an instructor about transitioning if you think your child is ready or will be soon.

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