Your First Week

New Students: Your First Week

Your first week will be an exciting time as a new student. You will begin your first group classes at Modern Taekwondo Center and meet your classmates for the first time. Try to introduce yourself to your new classmates with the formal bow and hand shake.  If you can’t remember everyone’s name that is fine for now, it will come with time!

You will find the group classes a lot more energetic and exciting.  You may also find some of the drills difficult at first but resist the urge to be embarrassed or discouraged.  The drills you find challenging now will be easy for you in just a week or two.  Everyone was a White Belt not too long ago and we all remember what it was like.  Taekwondo is a team sport and all the students support each other with energy and enthusiasm.  We always team up and never give up!

Tips for making the first week a success!

  • Show up 15 minutes early to class time so you are not rushed.
  • Try to be bold and introduce yourself to people on and off the mat.  You will find that the dojang is a very friendly place!
  • Relax and have fun.  Everyone was in your shoes at one time!

Continue reading about Your First Month . . .

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